Welcome to Carlyle Vet Clinic

A modern vet clinic located in the heart of Napier city

The Carlyle Vet Clinic is a renovated, cottage style villa with a purpose built, modern surgical, medical and kennelling suite in the heart of Napier city. We are a progressive Practice able to offer you and your pets the most up to date equipment in diagnostics and surgery with Veterinarians skilled in performing complex orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery in addition to eye and dental surgery.

The team of professionals are knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate about working with you to provide the highest level of veterinary care for your pet and if unwell on the journey towards wellness. We encourage you to build a relationship with your favourite vet and with a friendly and diverse group of vets on staff there will be one that you and your pet feel most comfortable with.

We understand that each pet is accompanied by a loving, concerned owner and you can be assured that patient care and client satisfaction are our top priorities.

Welcome to Carlyle Vet Clinic

Our team ensure your wonderful pets get great healthcare.

  • Veterinarian

    Nadine Bisset

  • Veterinarian

    Alison Nardone